quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2008

Reported Speech

Usamos "Reported Speech" (discurso indireto) para relatar o que aconteceu em um diálogo, sem precisarmos de usar aspas ou fazer citações.

Ex.: Direct Speech --> He said: "I don't want to go to school."
Reported Speech --> He said he didn't want to go to school.

Para relatar uma frase que foi dita por alguém no passado, usamos um verbo introdutório, como say, tell, explain, em sua forma no passado (said, told, explained), e depois a frase dita, com as devidas alterações de acordo com a tabela abaixo:

Direct Speech Reported Speech Example
Simple Present Simple Past He said: "I want some oranges."
He said he wanted some oranges.

Present Continuous Past Continuous They said: "We are studying hard."
They said they were studying hard.

Simple Past Past Perfect She said: "I needed you, but uou weren't here."
She said she had needed him, but he hadn't been there.

Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Tom said: "I was talking to Mary."
Tom said he had been talking to Mary.

Present Perfect Past Perfect They said: "We've worked together."
They said they had worked together.

Going to- Future was/were going to. I said: "I'm going to visit Jim"!
I said I was going to visit Jim"

Must Had to* She told me: "I must hurry up."
She told me she had to hurry up.

Pronomes Pessoais, Pronomes Objetivos, Pronomes e Adjetivos Possessivos devem ser trocados de acordo com o contexto da frase: